现有1名“973”计划首席科学家,1名国家名师、1名国医大师、26名国家级名中医、22名全国老中医药专家学术经验继承指导教师,8名省级教学名师、5名省级专业带头人,46名省名医;“新世纪百千万人才工程”国家级人选2人,享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家42人,卫生部有突出贡献中青年专家3人,辽宁省特聘教授2人,辽宁省攀登学者2人,辽宁省领军人才2人,辽宁省优秀专家13人,辽宁省“百千万人才工程” 百人层次26人、千人层次40人,省市级优秀教师8人。
Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (LNUTCM) was founded in 1958. The University has a main campus located in Shenyang, the capital of Liaoning Province, and two branch campuses in the seaside city – Dalian and Benxi known as Chinese medicine capital. LNUTCM is the only institution for higher learning in Liaoning Province to train and educate professionals in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Chinese Pharmacy, Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Chinese Massage, Integration of TCM and Western Medicine in Clinical Practice, Senior Nursing and other medical related disciplines. The university has received many honors successively, such as the model institution awarded by National Advanced Association in Discipline Inspections, Supervision and Audit, the National Excellent Grassroots Organization in the Campaign of Establishing Vanguard Grassroots Organizations of CCP and Contending for Excellence, Liaoning Advanced Grassroots Party Organization, Liaoning Advanced Organization, Liaoning Advanced Unit in Spiritual Civilization Construction, May First Labor Award of Liaoning Province, Exemplary University Administrated by Law, Model University with Safe and Civilized Campus, and other awards.
With 50 years of development, LNUTCM has established its own educational characteristics, strong in cultivating medical talents for international communication, for experimental and clinical innovation, and for the succession of traditional Chinese medicine. LNUTCM is one of examination centers responsible for National TCM Practitioner Certification Examination, appointed by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the People’s Republic of China. LNUTCM is also the National Training Base for TCM-Specialized English, the Branch Center of National Databases and Retrieval System of TCM Literature, and the base of International TCM Cooperation. In addition, LNUTCM is the clinical research base for developing key technology in new TCM medicine authorized by The Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China, and the national organization for clinical trial of medicine certified by State Food and Drug Administration of the People’s Republic of China. LNUTCM is the education and examination center of WFAS in Liaoning Province and the key institution for Examination and Assessment Preparatory Committee of WFCMS. Furthermore, LNUTCM is one of the Chinese universities which are first authorized to recruit international students as well as students from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan and which take international students with scholarship awarded by the Chinese government. LNUTCM is also the national base for TCM clinical research.
LNUTCM has five disciplines, namely Medicine, Science, Engineering, Management and Arts, 19 undergraduate programs with an enrollment of over 10,000 students. There are 15 colleges and schools, 4 directly affiliated hospitals, 2 teaching departments, 2 experiment & teaching centers, 3 research institutes, 6 research divisions, 2 libraries and 4 museums in the university. LNUTCM has 1 state key discipline, 26 state key TCM disciplines approved by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 7 provincial key disciplines, 5 provincial-level disciplines in the project of “Constructing Characteristic Disciplines for Upgrading the Competitiveness of Higher Education Institutions”, 21 provincial key TCM disciplines, 3 post-doctoral research centers, 3 first-class disciplines authorized to grant doctorate degrees (Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese pharmacy, integration of Chinese and Western medicine), 16 second-class disciplines authorized to grant doctorate degrees, 3 first-class disciplines authorized to grant master degrees and 19 second-class disciplines authorized to grant master degrees.
LNUTCM has 4 state-level featured programs, 1 state-level experimental zone for innovating talent cultivation, 1 state-level teaching team, 3 state-level excellent courses, 4 state-level awards for teaching achievements, 6 provincial-level model (characteristic) programs, 5 provincial-level model centers for experimental teaching, 7 provincial-level teaching teams and 22 provincial-level excellent courses. LNUTCM is the chief-editor institution for more than 30 national planned textbooks, 8 provincial classic textbooks, 4 provincial planned textbooks for “The Twelfth Five-Year Plan”, LNUTCM has 2 provincial level projects of quality assurance systems and network platform construction for higher education institutions and has achieved 26 provincial level teaching achievement awards. LNUTCM has 1 provincial level program for experimenting reforms in higher education institutions, 1 provincial level excellent open course for undergraduates, 2 provincial level projects for university student extra-curriculum practice. LNUTCM is authorized to operate 38 projects of basic labs and featured labs which are sponsored by both the central and local governments. Currently, LNUTCM has developed cooperation with more than 20 countries in Europe, America, eastern Asia, southeastern Asia, and with more than 80 higher education institutes and organizations, which has quickened the pace of its opening up and international cooperation. LNUTCM has 1 state TCM clinical research base, 2 state clinical pharmacology bases, 3 key research centers appointed by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 1 key lab sponsored by Liaoning Province and the Ministry of Education, 11 Grade III research labs appointed by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and 22 provincial key labs and engineering centers. LNUTCM has undertaken and accomplished dozens of state-level key research projects and hundreds of provincial-level research projects and has published thousands of academic papers and hundreds of academic books. The research funding of LNUTCM is more than 100 million RMB per year.
The four affiliated hospitals of LNUTCM have 6 key clinical specialties appointed by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 20 key clinical specialties appointed by Ministry of Public Health (as well as 1 fostering project and 1 construction base for TCM & Western medicine integrative emergency treatment supported by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine), and 31 provincial key clinical specialties. The four directly affiliated hospitals are respectively named Liaoning Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Liaoning Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Institute, Liaoning Coloproctological Hospital and Liaoning Integrated TCM and Western Medicine Hospital. LNUTCM also has 5 indirectly affiliated hospitals and 40 hospitals or so for clinical teaching and practicing.
LNUTCM has 1 “973 Plan” chief scientist, 1 national outstanding teacher, 1 national TCM master, 26 outstanding TCM physicians, 22 national veteran TCM experts as mentors training talents for the succession of TCM expertise, 8 provincial outstanding teachers, 5 provincial level academic leaders, and 46 provincial level known TCM doctors. In addition, there are 2 members nominated in the national project of "Hundred, Thousand, Ten Thousand Talents", 42 experts who receive special national government allowances, 3 middle-aged and young experts awarded by Ministry of Public Health for their outstanding contributions, 2 provincial level outstanding professors, 2 provincial climbing scholars, 2 provincial leading talents, 13 provincial excellent experts, 26 in the Hundred class and 40 in the Thousand class of the provincial project of "Hundred, Thousand, Ten Thousand Talents", and 8 city level excellent teachers.
All hard work has been rewarded with success. LNUTCM has never stopped its effort of reaching its best with the principle of “Striving for the best rather than the largest” and the strategy of “Developing the University with strong disciplines, energizing the University with talents, and flourishing the University with science and technology”. Through comprehensively enhancing its own construction of academic culture, LNUTCM has shaped its own characteristics and competitiveness, which has played an important role in revitalizing the traditional Liaoning industrial base and making immense contributions in the cause of inheriting and developing traditional Chinese medicine. LNUTCM has been steadily stepping with great strides towards a top level teaching-and-research TCM university.
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辽宁中医药大学 |
等级:二本 位于辽宁 关注人数:次 |
类型:医药 性质:(公办)普通本科 主管部门:辽宁省教育厅 国家重点学科:13个 博士点:16个 硕士点:18个 |
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学校实施“人才强校”战略,现有博士生导师55人、硕士生导师247人;学 辽宁中医药大学校有国家级名师1人、国家级名医17人,享受国家政府特殊津贴教师44人,省级名医23人,省部级科技拔尖人才1人,省部级学术带头人1人;省级优秀青年骨干教师8人;有1名教师入选“国家百千万人才工程”,在“辽宁省百千万人才工程”遴选中,有8名教师入选百名层次,32名教师入选千名层次;2003年有10名主任医师成为国家中医药管理局中医临床优秀人才研修重点培养对象,入选人数之多居全国中医药院校首位。
辽宁中医药大学现有在校生规模万余人,包括博士后人员、研究生、本科 辽宁中医药大学生、留学生和专科生。学院面向省内外招生,目前在校生近1631人。